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Growing Asparagus in Edmonds


Asparagus can be fairly expensive at the supermarket, but, when growing your own, it is quite easy to tend after the initial planting.  As a perennial vegetable — plant once, harvest for years — asparagus plated in a well-maintained bed can provide you with sweet, slender spears for 15 years (can produce up to 20-30[…]

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Spring Pruning For Shrubs


Spring is such a beautiful time of year! The birds have come back and are singing, early bulbs lift their cheerful heads, and the newly warming sun entices new leaves to emerge from trees and shrubs. We also feel the energizing pull of spring and the itch to begin pruning becomes strong. But before we[…]

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Why Should You Raise Mason Bees in Edmonds?

Mason Bees in Edmonds Washington

Mason bees are among the easiest to raise of the 4,000 species native to North America.  These gentle bees are amazing pollinators many times more effective than honey bees. In 2016, the UN announced nearly 40% of insect pollinators are in danger of becoming extinct and honey bees are at about half the population there[…]