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Spring Pruning For Shrubs


Spring is such a beautiful time of year! The birds have come back and are singing, early bulbs lift their cheerful heads, and the newly warming sun entices new leaves to emerge from trees and shrubs. We also feel the energizing pull of spring and the itch to begin pruning becomes strong. But before we[…]

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Putting Your Garden to Bed for the Winter in Edmonds


By Maxine Mitchell. As the days grow shorter and chillier, homeowners need to conduct the age-old practice of “putting the garden to bed” for the winter. “What is that?” you might ask. Well, it’s a lot of things, but essentially, it’s doing a final pruning and clean-up and making sure your plants are protected for[…]

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Apple Maggot Control in Edmonds

Apple Maggot Damage Washington

An Organic Approach By Maxine Mitchell  I used to have a terrible apple maggot problem with my small Honey Crisp apple tree in my backyard in Edmonds.  Every year, I would get apples but they were riddled with the telltale dimpling that indicated apple maggot flies had laid their eggs on the fruit and the[…]