Gratitude for our Gardens!

Tis’ the season for list making, grocery shopping and garden care. Flurrying around seeing family, friends and spreading good cheer, the garden waits calling quietly for attention.

This time of year, my reflections turn to what I am grateful for in my life.  While outdoors in the garden, editing the environment without headphones or a clock, I treasure the time to think and reflect.  I have time to watch the birds and critters scurry around making way for colder days and nights. In my garden it becomes easy to reflect on my gratitude for home and family, community, outdoor opportunities, curiosity and community.

Gardens-in-EdmondsFor the last 15 years of my work life, I traveled the Edmonds-Issaquah commute route; a minimum of two hours a day in traffic, with audiobooks to save my sanity. Newly retired a few years ago I finally had time to really enjoy working in my garden (I call it yarding, because my hillside plot is home to mostly shrubs and trees). And, I felt better. There is scientific evidence that recognizes what we all have known for a long time, that digging in the dirt creates well being and creating floral and foliage beauty creates optimism.

I soon found myself involved with Edmonds in Bloom.  I am grateful for participation with this all-volunteer organization that connects me to gardeners, enriches my knowledge of plants and challenges me to experiment with new methods of gardening.  And, funds raised by Edmonds in Bloom activities supports many community projects (horticultural scholarships, edible gardens at schools, etc.) that enhance the vitality of our community.

Wishing you a happy holiday – and time to reflect, to plan and to greet the new year with a gardener’s optimism.

Jeanne Thorsen
President 2018-2019